Description: This data layer contains polygon features representing the approximate locations of dam break inundation zones and special flood hazard areas (Floodplains and Floodways). It was created to provide users the ability to overlay these features onto the parcel boundary layer.The dam break inundation zone layer provided by the Virginia Department of Conservation. The special flood hazard area layer was provided by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Users should consult these agencies for legal inundation zone and special flood hazard area boundaries.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Department of Public Works, Environmental Services Division
Description: This feature class consists of polylines. Sidewalk centerlines run parallel to a sidewalk through the center of a sidewalk polygon. A sidewalk is a paved path meant for pedestrians at the side of the road and any short, paved spurts that connect the main path to a point of interest (POI), like a building or parking lot. Sidewalks may also include short paths between buildings on public, MFA, commercial or high-use facilities (such as a college or hospital). It may also include short paths from a parking lot to a point of interest. Created new in 2021 from 2017 imagery by The Sanborn Map Company. The Commonwealth of Virginia, through the Virginia Geographic Information Network Division (herein referred to as VGIN) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) contracted with Fugro Geospatial, Inc. to provide aerial data acquisition, ground control, aerial triangulation and development of statewide ortho quality DEM and digital orthophotography data. The Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) update project is divided into three collection phases: In 2017, Fugro flew the eastern third of Virginia at one foot resolution, with options for localities and other interested parties to upgrade resolution or purchase other optional products through the state contract. The middle third of Virginia will be flown in 2018 and the western third in 2019. Ortho products are 1-foot resolution statewide with upgrades to 6-inch resolution tiles and 3-inch resolution tiles in various regions within the project area. The Virginia Base Mapping project encompasses the entire land area of the Commonwealth of Virginia over 4 years. The State boundary is buffered by 1000'. Coastal areas of the State bordering the Atlantic Ocean or the Chesapeake Bay are buffered by 1000' or the extent of man-made features extending from shore. This metadata record describes the generation of new Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and contours generated at 2-foot intervals. All products are being delivered in the North American Datum of 1983 (1986), State Plane Virginia North. The vertical datum was the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division., Fugro, Inc., The Sanborn Mapping Company
Description: This feature class consists of polylines. A crosswalk is a marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross. Crosswalk Centerlines are an imaginary line running parallel to the crosswalk through the center or the crosswalk. It may connect to a sidewalk centerline to create a network. Created new in 2021 from 2017 imagery by The Sanborn Map Company. The Commonwealth of Virginia, through the Virginia Geographic Information Network Division (herein referred to as VGIN) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) contracted with Fugro Geospatial, Inc. to provide aerial data acquisition, ground control, aerial triangulation and development of statewide ortho quality DEM and digital orthophotography data. The Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) update project is divided into three collection phases: In 2017, Fugro flew the eastern third of Virginia at one foot resolution, with options for localities and other interested parties to upgrade resolution or purchase other optional products through the state contract. The middle third of Virginia will be flown in 2018 and the western third in 2019. Ortho products are 1-foot resolution statewide with upgrades to 6-inch resolution tiles and 3-inch resolution tiles in various regions within the project area. The Virginia Base Mapping project encompasses the entire land area of the Commonwealth of Virginia over 4 years. The State boundary is buffered by 1000'. Coastal areas of the State bordering the Atlantic Ocean or the Chesapeake Bay are buffered by 1000' or the extent of man-made features extending from shore. This metadata record describes the generation of new Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and contours generated at 2-foot intervals. All products are being delivered in the North American Datum of 1983 (1986), State Plane Virginia North. The vertical datum was the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division., Fugro, Inc., The Sanborn Map Company
Description: A Green Infrastructure map county of Prince William, VA was developed to provide quantification of canopy and associated data for environmental monitoring. Digital aerial imagery, collected for the National Agriculture Imagery (NAIP) program at 1 meter resolution was classified to a Green Infrastructure Level 1 classification scheme with the following classes: 1) Non Woody Vegetation, 2)Woody Vegetation, 3) Impervious, 4) Water and 5) Bare Soil. The image was classified using Classification and Regression Tree techniques (CART analysis) and raster modeling. The classification accuracy assessment gave an overall accuracy of 95.25%This 2012 update is the result of a change detection process which buillt on the original 2008 classification. Changed areas were updated, and several other classification scheme changes were made, such as the reclassification of pools as impervious surfaces.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Department of Information Technology (DOIT), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division
Description: The layer represents the E-Commerce Zoning Overlay District as adopted by the Board of County Supervisors Ordinance 21-55 on October 5, 2021. The addition to the Zoning Ordinance of the adopted overlay district is shown on this layer. The amendment to the ordinance "creates new definitions related to distribution and fulfillments uses, esablish[es] design standards, and create[s] a new overlay district to promote areas of the County that can best handle the impacts related to these new uses."
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office, Long-Range Division, GIS Group
Prince William County Planning Office, Zoning Administration
Prince William County Department of Economic Development
Description: The Mobility Point Features contains point location elements of the Mobility chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Elements include interchanges, roundabouts, multi-modal hubs, transit centers, etc. The layer is intended for use primarily in the online interactive maps for the Comprehensive Plan. The layer contains features for small area plans, activity centers, and other features in the county. The Comprehensive Plan is a general guide to the location, character, and extent of proposed or anticipated land use, including public facilities. It provides guidance for land use development decisions made by the Planning Commission and the Board of County Supervisors.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office
Prince William County Department of Transportation
Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Prince William County Department of Information Technology - GTS
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Special Planning Area Type, length: 40
, Coded Values:
[Activity Center: Activity Center]
, [Arts and Entertainment District: Arts and Entertainment District]
, [Hamlet: Hamlet]
, ...11 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Special Planning Area (Y/N), length: 3
, Coded Values:
[Yes: Yes]
, [No: No]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: AGO Symbology, length: 12
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Special Planning Area Name, length: 255
, Coded Values:
[Arts and Entertainment District: Arts and Entertainment District]
, [Bethlehem Road: Bethlehem Road]
, [Braemar: Braemar]
, ...50 more...
Description: This layer will be used for multiple purposes but primarily as a Trails layer for use on the Prince William County CountyMapper XM application so that people can see the trails system available for recreation and other uses. Different from other trails layers in the county system, this layer is also intended for planning and analysis use in order to identify what types of trails are available in the county as well as for gap analysis in order to more purposely develop the trail system effectively. The layer includes information about parks trails and road side trails, and includes information from numerous sources as cited below.
Copyright Text: Data compiled from the following sources:
Prince William County Planning Office
Prince William County Transportation Department
Prince William County Parks Department
United States National Park Service
United States Department of Fish & Wildlife
The State of Virginia Parks
City of Manassas and City of Manassas Park
Description: The data on this layer shows the planned roadway system in Prince William County as adopted in the Mobility Chapter update to the Comprehensive Plan by the Board of County Supervisors. It shows the existing and planned roadway system for the County.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office, Long-Range Planning Division
Prince William County Department of Transportation
Prince William County Department of Information Technology, GTS Division
Virginia Department of Transportation
Description: This layer represents the planned or future transit alternatives for Prince William County including mass transit, rail, ferry, and other transportation alternatives. The layer shows the planned or future possibilities for reducing the number of vehicles on area roadways. It includes transportation options like VRE, PRTC, high-capacity transit (bus and other options) that are in the Mobility Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office
Prince William County Department of Transportation
Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Prince William County Department of Information Technology - GTS Division
Description: The Comprehensive Plan is a general guide to the location, character, and extent of proposed or anticipated land use, including public facilities. It provides guidance for land use development decisions made by the Planning Commission and the Board of County Supervisors. Section 15.2-2223 of the Virginia Code requires every governing body to adopt a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the territory within its jurisdiction. The Code further requires that comprehensive plans be reviewed every five years to ensure that the plan is responsive to current circumstances and that its goals continue to be supported by the citizenry. Each comprehensive plan is based on an analysis of current land use and potential future growth, and the facilities needed to serve existing and future residents. These services and facilities include items such as roads, parks, water and sewer systems, schools, fire stations, police facilities, and libraries.The Prince William County Comprehensive Plan contains a strategy for responsible, fiscally-sound growth to produce a vibrant, prosperous, stable, "livable" community. It contains recommendations for future land use, transportation systems, schools, parks, libraries, historic and environmental resources, and other resources, facilities, and services. It is implemented through Plan maps, the Capital Improvements Program, the subdivision ordinance, and the Zoning Ordinance and Map.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office, Long-Range Division, GIS Data Analysis and Cartographic Design Team
Prince William County Public Works, Watershed Department
Prince William County Department of Information Technology/GTS Division
Description: This data layer contains polygon features that represent "special planning areas" located within Prince William County, Virginia. It was created to provide basic information regarding the location of the planning areas and is used in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan. Users should be aware that this data does not represent legal property boundary descriptions, nor is it suitable for boundary determination of individual parcels. The special planning areas are locations within Prince William County that the Planning Office Long-Range Planning Division has designated through established urban planning processes. The areas cannot be changed outside of minor boundary adjustments to parcels except by adoption of a comprehensive plan amendment by the Board of County Supervisors.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office
Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Prince William County Department of Transportation
Prince William County Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Special Planning Area Type, length: 40
, Coded Values:
[Activity Center: Activity Center]
, [Arts and Entertainment District: Arts and Entertainment District]
, [Hamlet: Hamlet]
, ...11 more...
Description: The Agricultural and Forestal Districts (AFD) layer is for maintaining the official AFD districts in Prince William County as approved by the Board of County Supervisors. This layer has no consistant schedule of updating, but typically follows within a week or two of Board Hearings when cases are approved. This may be many years apart. It can also be updated at any time to apply the "slivers" rule to keep it aligned to parcel and other boundary adjustments.
Copyright Text: Prince William County Planning Office, Long-Range Division, Geographic Information Systems Department.