{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "This feature class consists of polylines. Sidewalk centerlines run parallel to a sidewalk through the center of a sidewalk polygon. A sidewalk is a paved path meant for pedestrians at the side of the road and any short, paved spurts that connect the main path to a point of interest (POI), like a building or parking lot. Sidewalks may also include short paths between buildings on public, MFA, commercial or high-use facilities (such as a college or hospital). It may also include short paths from a parking lot to a point of interest. Created new in 2021 from 2017 imagery by The Sanborn Map Company. The Commonwealth of Virginia, through the Virginia Geographic Information Network Division (herein referred to as VGIN) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) contracted with Fugro Geospatial, Inc. to provide aerial data acquisition, ground control, aerial triangulation and development of statewide ortho quality DEM and digital orthophotography data. The Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) update project is divided into three collection phases: In 2017, Fugro flew the eastern third of Virginia at one foot resolution, with options for localities and other interested parties to upgrade resolution or purchase other optional products through the state contract. The middle third of Virginia will be flown in 2018 and the western third in 2019. Ortho products are 1-foot resolution statewide with upgrades to 6-inch resolution tiles and 3-inch resolution tiles in various regions within the project area. The Virginia Base Mapping project encompasses the entire land area of the Commonwealth of Virginia over 4 years. The State boundary is buffered by 1000'. Coastal areas of the State bordering the Atlantic Ocean or the Chesapeake Bay are buffered by 1000' or the extent of man-made features extending from shore. This metadata record describes the generation of new Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and contours generated at 2-foot intervals. All products are being delivered in the North American Datum of 1983 (1986), State Plane Virginia North. The vertical datum was the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B.", "summary": "", "title": "Sidewalk Centerlines", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Prince William County Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division., Fugro, Inc., The Sanborn Mapping Company", "licenseInfo": "" }